This CATALOG is superseded by GUVcat , where we patched about 300 fields (out of 28707) that had wrong coadds in the original data. Also note that "reduced" files posted prior to Jan. 20 2015 had one duplicate row (#100000) (the affected links are currently disabled). You should use GUVcat instead.

BCScat: GALEX catalogs of unique UV sources (final: data release GR6+7)
Reference: Bianchi, L., Conti, A., and Shiao, B. 2014, J. Adv. Space Res. (2014), 53, 900; DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2013.07.045 ; astro-ph 1312.3281
``The ultraviolet sky: An overview from the GALEX surveys'' link to ASR article (open source)
These are the catalogs of unique sources (i.e., removing duplicate measurements of the same source) including all observations with both FUV and NUV detectors on, within the central 1degree-diameter of GALEX FOV. Please refer to the above publication for more details. Please see the patched, upgraded version GUVcat.
Below you may download the entire catalogs, divided in 18 files, each file including 10 degrees in Galactic latitude
Columns included in the catalogs are described in : Appendix A of the BCS paper
Galactic latitude
# sources
Area AIS
[sq deg]
download AIS
csv.gz files
complete (all tags in Appendix A)
download AIS
fits files
reduced (fewer tags (*))
AIS fits files
fewer tags,
FUV-detections only (**)
# sources
Area MIS
[sq deg]
csv files
>= 80. 700885 243.8 Download csv.gz (0.111 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 70. and <80. 2136367 742.6 Download csv.gz (0.333 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 60. and <70. 3241030 1098.7 Download csv.gz (0.506 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 50. and <60. 4507405 1513.3 Download csv.gz (0.700 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 40. and <50. 5860398 1890.8 Download csv.gz (0.902 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 30. and <40. 6503117 2151.3 Download csv.gz (0.991 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 20. and <30. 6633972 2031.6 Download csv.gz (1.006 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 10. and <20. 5322807 1549.9 Download csv.gz (0.8 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= 0. and <10. 1073323 365.6 Download csv.gz (163 MB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -10 and <0. 567858 215.3 Download csv.gz (86 MB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -20. and <-10. 4167555 1089.8 Download csv.gz (625 MB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -30. and <-20. 5938356 1732.0 Download csv.gz (898 MB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -40. and <-30. 6427717 1998.4 Download csv.gz (0.991 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -50. and <-40. 5698895 1796.2 Download csv.gz (0.888 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -60. and <-50. 4929070 1528.1 Download csv.gz (0.777 GB)
fits reduced tags
fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -70. and <-60. 3884624 1158.9 Download csv.gz (0.619 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
>= -80. and <-70. 2456726 719.6 Download csv.gz (0.394 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
< -80. 875446 249.3 Download csv.gz (0.141 GB) fits reduced tags fits reduced, FUVdet.
Total 70925551 22075.3 16613047
(*) only the following tags are included in these files: 'objid','glat','glon','ra','dec','e_bv','fuv_mag','fuv_magerr','nuv_mag','nuv_magerr','fuv_artifact','nuv_artifact', 'fuv_ellipticity','nuv_ellipticity','fuv_mag_auto','fuv_magerr_auto','nuv_mag_auto','nuv_magerr_auto','fuv_kron_radius','nuv_kron_radius'
: NOTE: fits tables have a much smaller size than csv versions; when the number of sources is large, only the fits version is given
(**) only sources with significant detection in both FUV and NUV, i.e. FUV_err <0.5; these are about 10 times fewer than the complete catalogs (NUV-detected sources regardless of FUV detection), see Bianchi et al. 2011 for statistics. Only the few flags listed above are included.