Go to the previous page for a link
to the press release on these results.
Recent Publications and Preprints:
Herald, J., Bianchi, L. and Hillier, D.J., 2005, ApJ, in press
(astroph 0502074)
Garcia, M., and Bianchi, L. 2004, ApJ, 606, 497
Bianchi, L., Garcia, M., and Herald, J. 2003,
in "Winds, Bubbles and Explosions", RMxAA, 15, 226
Bianchi, L., and Garcia, M. 2002,
ApJ , 581, 610
Bianchi, L., Garcia, M., Hutchings, J., Fullerton, A. 2002,
in "FUSE Science and Data Workshop", March 2002,
p. 38
Bianchi, L. and Garcia, M., 2005, AJ, submitted
Far-UV and UV interstellar extinction in the Carina complex
Discovery of NeVII in the winds of hot evolved stars
The Effective Temperatures of Massive Stars. II. The Early-O types.
click here for the pdf file - - -
link to ApJ
The winds of O-type stars: ionization structure and
revised parameters from far-UV spectra.
The Effective Temperatures of mid-O type stars
FUSE studies of O-type stars in Local Group galaxies
click here to download a printable version of the poster (A3 size)
Bianchi, L., and Garcia, M.
2002, AAS199
How Hot are Hot Stars? New Temperatures for mid-O types from
FUSE data
click here to download a printable version of the poster (A3 size)
Bianchi et al. 2001 PASP,113, 697
Spectroscopy of Massive Stars in NGC6822 and M33